Investment info

Maribor - your
Investment Destination

Maribor is the economic, business, administrative and educational centre of the Podravje development region and is closely connected with it.

The Podravje region unites 41 municipalities and is the second largest development region in Slovenia in terms of population. In economic terms, the Podravje development region is extremely strong. There are 57 business-production zones in the region and most companies are engaged in production (metal and food) activity.

Edvard Rusjan Internati onal Ai rport, only 11 km away from the Maribor city centre, also represents a great development opportunity for the region. The passenger terminal was completely renovated a few years ago. It is an excellent basis for the development of logistics, tourism and other aviation-related activities. For this reason, the area around the airport is planned to enable further development of various strategic activities in the near future. These include logistics, tourism, hospitality, aircraft maintenance and others.



Basic info

Official name: Republic of Slovenia
Political system: Parliamentary democracy
International code: SI / SLO / SVN
Area: 20,271 km2
Population: 2.1 million
Capital: Ljubljana
Largest city: Ljubljana
Business centres: Maribor, Ljubljana, Celje, Kranj, Koper
Official language: Slovenian
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Member of: EU, WTO, OECD, NATO, OSCE, UN
International call number: +386

Sources: Government of RS; SURS; UMAR

Financial info


2019 → €48.0 billion
2020 → €45.8 billion (forecast)
2021 → €48.8 billion (forecast)
2022 → €51.6 billion (forecast)

GDP per capital

2019 → €25,729
2020 → €22,069 (forecast)

GDP growth

2019 → 2.4%
2020 → -6.7% (forecast)
2021 → 5.1% (forecast)
2022 → 3.7% (forecast)



2019 → 1.8%
2020 → 0.5% (forecast)
2021 → 1.5% (forecast)
2022 → 1.8% (forecast)


2019 → 7.7%
2020 → 9.1% (forecast)
2021 → 9.5% (forecast)
2022 → 8.5% (forecast)



Industrial and
business Zones

in Maribor

Business zone Tezno Maribor

Business zone Tabor 14 P Maribor

Maribor Business zone Tabor 13

Maribor Business zone Tezno Metalna

Business zone Podlesnik Dogoše

Business zone Studenci TVT Maribor

Business zone Pobrežje Svila Maribor

Business zone Sokolska Studenci Maribor

Business zone Marles Maribor

Business zone Melje Maribor


Where to find help,
and advice?

five key institutions
can help you with information,
advice, and guidance:

of Maribor

Regional Development Agency

SPOT point

Ajpes (Maribor branch)

Chamber of Commerce and Industry
of Štajerska

The Regional Chamber of Crafts
and Small Busin ess of Maribor