Excellence & statistics


In the heart of Europe with a quality road, air, rail and maritime infrastructure that provides connections to Europe and an excellent starting point to enter the Western Balkans markets.

Innovative oriented

Home to many innovative, researchoriented companies operating in the most competitive foreign markets, positioned high in the value chains of the world's most established suppliers and brands.

High quality

Highly educated, technologically welltrained workforce.


Favourable business environment, open,to foreign investments and development opportunities.

High quality
of life

Pristine nature, sophisticated infrastructure, comfortable living conditions, exceptional safety and short distances between various urban centres which are easily accessible, Maribor and Slovenia offer the highest possible quality of life.

At the very top
of global rankings

Slovenia is ranked amongst the best in
many global rankings considering quality indicators.


Top 3 for foreign

Slovenian investment environment is extremely attractive and investorfriendly. This is demonstrated by the OECD ranking from 2019  thatplaces Slovenia among the three countries (besides Luxembourg and Portugal) with the least restrictive foreign direct investment rules.

Source: OECD


Among the most

The United Nations report, which rates the human development index, recognizes Slovenia as one of the best in the world. Access to education, the technological development, gender equality, environmental and other factorsthat contribute to the high quality of life contribute to a high ranking.

Source: United Nations

Best information and
communication platforms

Slovenia is 33rd in the world in terms of the developed information and communication infrastructure based on the findings published by the United Nations.

Source: World ICT Development Index 2017, United Nations

Among the best
and safest

According to the Global Peace Index, Slovenia ranks among the
safest and least risky countries in the world.

Source: World Population Review

Among the European champions
in the energy field

Ranked 6th among those that have made most progress in the security of energy supply, Slovenia is at the very top. This is the result of longterm political stability, strengthening of the principle of the free market and ever
closer economic ties with European countries.

Source: World Energy Trilemma Index

Among the most

Slovenia ranks 26th on the world productivity scale, measured by generated GDP per hour.

Source: Eurostat, The Conference Board

An exceptional
quality of life

Slovenia is ranked 14th in the world in terms of the quality of life in cities. The ranking, compiled by the Numbeo organization, assesses the quality of life on the basis of the purchasing power of the population, housing availability, purity of water, air and other important resources, quality of the health system, traffic
congestion among others.

Source: Numbeo

Slovenia –
an example
of credit

Sloveni a maintains excellent
credit ratings from all the world’s leading
credit rating agencies, which confirms
that it is one of the most stable
countries for investment.



tax environment

Sloveni a is an open economy, favourable to foreign investments. Attracting foreign investment is a strategic direction of the country. The Investment Promotion Act enables state support for strategic investments for both foreign and domestic investors.



Corporate income tax

Corporate income tax is regulated by the Corporate Income Tax Act (ZDDPO-2) and is a elementary tax in the field of direct corporate income taxation:

  • 19% taxation of profits and the withholding tax rate of 15%,
  • Up to 100% tax relief for investments in research and development,
  • Up to 40% tax relief for investments in equipment and intangible fixed assets.

Capital gains tax

Capital gains are taxed with personal income tax at a proportional rate, which is in principle 27.5%, without taking into account tax reliefs.

  • Income tax on capital gains is calculated and paid from the tax base at a rate of 25% and is considered a final tax.
  • For each completed five years of capital ownership, the tax rate is reduced as follows:
    • After five years of ownership capital gains are taxed at 15 percent
    • After ten years of ownership capital gains are taxed at 10 percent
    • After fifteen years of ownership capital gains are taxed at 5 percent.

Profit return tax

0% for profits generated in EU countries,
15% for profits generated in non-EU countries, unless bilateral agreements provide other arrangements.